Hawk is a Roach Adept who Prepped For The End in a Post Apocalyptic world ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 7 Edge: 0 Defense: Inability Speed: ______ Pool: 13 Edge: 1 Defense: Inability Intellect: ______ Pool: 14 Edge: 1 Defense: Inability Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 2 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Cling You can move an immediate distance each round on walls or clinging to the ceiling. Glide You can extend small wings from your carapace that grant an asset in jumping tasks and allow you to fall up to a short distance without taking damage. Prepared caches You have a prepped secret hideout with shelter and basic supplies capable of seeing you through a year or more, or up to six people through about three months. In addition, you have knowledge of three different secret supply caches you put together and hid before everything fell apart, chosen from the following. The caches are located no closer than about 5 miles (8 km) from each other. - Food cache (enough food for six people for twelve weeks) - Water cache (enough clean water for six people for twelve weeks) - Ammunition cache (400 shells or bullets for four different weapons) - Firearm cache (six firearms; a mix of light, medium, and heavy weapons, each usually found with about ten bullets or shells). Enabler. Scuttler Your Speed Edge increases by 1. Sense by scent You can sense your environment even in total darkness. Skills ------ Onslaught (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) You attack a foe using energies that assail either their physical form or their mind. In either case, you must be able to see your target. If the attack is physical, you emit a short-range ray of force that inflicts 4 points of damage. If the attack is mental, you focus your mental energy to blast the thought processes of another creature within short range. This mindslice inflicts 2 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). Some creatures without minds (such as robots) might be immune to your mindslice. Action. Resonance field (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) Faint lines in a color you choose form a tracery over your entire body and emit faint light. The effect lasts for one minute. Whenever a creature within immediate range makes an attack against you, the pattern energizes to block the attack. You can make an Intellect defense roll in place of the defense roll you would normally make. If you do so and you get a minor effect, the creature attacking you takes 1 point of damage. If you get a major effect, the creature attacking you takes 4 points of damage. Action to initiate. Shatter (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2+) You interrupt the fundamental force holding normal matter together for a moment, causing the detonation of an object you choose within long range. The object must be a small, mundane item composed of homogeneous matter (such as a clay cup, an iron ingot, a stone, and so on). The object explodes in an immediate radius, dealing 1 point of damage to all creatures and objects in the area. If you apply Effort to increase the damage, you deal 2 additional points of damage per level of Effort (instead of 3 points); targets in the area take 1 point of damage even if you fail the attack roll. Action. Magic training (Trained) You are trained in the basics of magic (including the operation of magic artifacts and cyphers) and can attempt to understand and identify its properties. Enabler. Trained for toughing it (Trained) Choose one noncombat skill that would be helpful for surviving after the apocalypse, such as hunting, tracking, carpentry, or stealth. You are trained in that skill. Enabler. Trained in disguise tasks (Trained) Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Practiced in light armor (Practiced) You can wear light armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing light armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing light armor by 1. You start the game with a type of light armor available in the area, such as a leather jacket. Enabler. Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons Insect prejudice (Inability) While among non-roaches, all positive interaction tasks are hindered. Medium weapons (Inability) Medium Weapons Susceptible to disease and poison (Inability) Defense rolls against disease or poison are hindered. You mimic a human, but you are not as fierce (Inability) Tasks involving combat- including attack and defense rolls-are hindered. Attacks ------- Fast Punch Cost:Free Stat:Speed Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A lightning left jab. Eased by one step for Light weapons. Cyphers ------- Limit: 3 Death Bringer (Level: 1) For the next minute, when the user strikes an NPC or creature of the cypher level or lower, they can choose to make a second attack roll. If the second attack roll is a success, the target is killed. If the target is a PC, the character instead moves down one step on the damage track. Manifest Density (Level: 2) For the next day, each time the user strikes a solid creature or object with a weapon, the weapon suddenly increases dramatically in weight, causing the blow to inflict 2 additional points of damage. Manifest Detonation (Spawn) (Level: 6) Projects a small physical explosive up to a long distance away that bursts in an immediate radius, blinding all within it for one minute and inflicting damage equal to the cypher's level. The burst spawns 1d6 additional detonations; in the next round, each additional detonation flies to a random spot within short range and explodes in an immediate radius. Roll a d100 to determine the type of damage dealt by all detonations: Rolled a 48. Heat drain (cold). Manifest Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Light armor of your choice. Granted from Practiced In Light Armor. - Appropriate clothing, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- Adept You master powers or abilities outside the experience, understanding, and sometimes belief of others. They might be magic, psychic powers, mutant abilities, or just a wide variety of intricate devices, depending on the setting. Adepts are usually thoughtful, intelligent types. They often think carefully before acting and rely heavily on their supernatural abilities. (“Magic” here is a term used very loosely. It's a catch-all for the kinds of wondrous, possibly supernatural things that your character can do that others cannot. It might actually be an expression of technological devices, channeling spirits, mutations, psionics, nanotechnology, or any number of other sources.) Roach You are born of a species of evolved insects once called "cockroach," but that is far in the past. Radiation and forced evolution have radically increased your size, shape, and ability to think. Your exoskeleton mimics the shape of a human being, though not perfectly. When you move about human society, shadows and cloaks are your ally if you wish to pass unnoticed. When those of your kind are discovered, it usually goes poorly for someone. You, however, have a wandering spirit and seek to explore the fallen world and find a new way forward. Prepped For The End You prepared for ultimate disaster, unlike most of the sheeple. Which means you stashed away food, water, and other survival gear when things were still okay. You trained yourself for harsh conditions, for basic machine and electronic repair, and maybe even in a musical instrument to pass the time in the bunker when no other entertainments could be had. You'd excel in a small group of other survivors, but you're ready to go it alone if that's what it takes. Above all, you're prepared to make it through whatever the future holds, no matter how daunting the odds. Because you prepped wisely. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - The PCs didn't realize what you were when they asked for your help. - You've managed to hide your roach ancestry so well that everyone thinks you are like them. - You are the last of your kind. - You have a secret agenda, and the PCs were gullible enough to let you come along. Background Connection --------------------- You owe money to a number of people and don't have the funds to pay your debts. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. Sometime in that character's past, they had a devastating experience while attempting something that you do as a matter of course thanks to your focus. Whether they choose to tell you about it is up to them. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Advantageous Malfunction A device being used against you malfunctions. It might harm the user or one of their allies for a round, or activate a dramatic and distracting side effect for a few rounds. Convenient Idea A flash of insight provides you with a clear answer or suggests a course of action with regard to an urgent question, problem, or obstacle you're facing. Inexplicably Unbroken An inactive, ruined, or presumed-destroyed device temporarily activates and performs a useful function relevant to the situation. This is enough to buy you some time for a better solution, alleviate a complication that was interfering with your abilities, or just get you one more use out of a depleted cypher or artifact. Carapace +1 to Armor. Granted from Roach http://localhost:3000/account/cypher/characters/JmmdMJ Last Updated: June 15th, 2024 17:13 App Version: 1.06.12 Beta